Nutritional Breakthrough for Gut-Brain Connection in Children

Scientific research is now uncovering the vital role that the gut microbiome plays in optimum health for children. In fact, it’s been identified that many children with special needs have a unique microbiome. See the results of a recent study here:
Science is now also focusing on the relationship between genes and nutrients, and the consequences for our metabolic health. Not only do our genes influence our metabolism, but the nutrients we consume also influence gene expression and the way our metabolism functions.
Many issues that children experience, such as speech and language delays, aggravated behavior, poor digestion and a non-optimum sleep pattern are influenced by their gut and metabolic health.
New Nutritional Protocol Addresses Gut and Metabolic Health in Children
We are excited to announce a new nutritional protocol, called TEKNON, designed to support optimum gut and metabolic health in children. The ingredients in TEKNON help create a healthy microbiome and optimum metabolic pathways in the body.
Teknon has been used with thousands of children overseas, and when taken according to the guidelines, children and young adults had improvements in digestion, sleep patterns, cognition, social communication skills, and behavior.
TEKNON means “child” in ancient Greek, and it’s now available in the U.S.
The Science Behind TEKNON
In a recent webinar, John Payne, CEO of Purelife Health Sciences Group, speaks with Amal Tolba, Founder and Director of the Hope Abilitation and Medical Center in Dubai. John provides the science behind the development of TEKNON and two success stories from US children it has helped.
This video already has around 11,000 views on YouTube as there are so many parents around the world trying to help their child with special needs.
You can watch the webinar video here:
Shop for Teknon here: