How Camel Milk Compares to Alternative Milks

How Camel Milk Compares to Alternative Milks - Camelicious USA

Supermarket shelves are packed with many kinds of “milk” for those of us who are lactose intolerant, have dairy allergies, or just prefer to drink something other than cow’s milk. Camel milk is a new addition to the list of milks now available in the US.

Camel milk is being hailed as a new superfood due to its unique, nutrient-dense properties. How do other milks stack up?

Lactose intolerance and dairy allergies

If you are one of the many Americans who have trouble digesting the sugar (lactose) in cow’s milk, camel milk may be just the ticket. Camel milk contains less lactose than cow’s milk and it is usually well tolerated by lactose intolerant people. In addition, it doesn’t contain beta-lactoglobulin – one of the proteins found in cow’s milk that causes allergic reactions. Camel’s milk contains a different beta-casein to cow’s milk. A study conducted at the Ben Gurion University in Israel found that camel milk reduced children’s allergic reactions to food when other conventional treatments had failed to do so. 

100% natural versus additives

Commercial soy and nut milks don’t have beta casein or lactose, but you should read the labels carefully. Most of them have additives to thicken them so they seem more like a “milk”. Three of the most common additives in nut milks are guar gum (a binding and thickening agent), gellan gum and carrageenan, which is known to be extremely inflammatory. Some have added sugar. Soy milk often contains carrageenan and vegetable oils.

Camel milk is 100% real milk without any additives.


Your body needs fats to produce energy and support cell growth. They also help your body absorb some nutrients and produce important hormones. But keep a check on what kind of fat and how much of it you consume. 

Whole camel milk contains 50 percent less fat than cow’s milk.  So, you can get that rich, creamy taste without worrying about the fat content.


Micronutrients refer to vitamins and minerals.  They are all essential for a healthy body. You have to get them from your food because your body doesn’t make them. That’s why they’re also referred to as essential nutrients.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It's involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

Almond milk has no Vitamin C at all.  Cow’s milk has about one milligram. Camel milk has 3 to 5 times more Vitamin C than cow’s milk.

Camel milk is rich in micronutrients like calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium.


Your body needs minerals for a lot of different functions: Calcium for bones and teeth as well as muscle function and blood vessel contraction. Magnesium helps with hundreds of enzyme reactions, including regulation of blood pressure. Sodium is an electrolyte that helps keep your fluid balance correct and potassium is another electrolyte that maintains fluid status in cells and helps with nerve transmission and muscle function.

Cow’s milk has calcium, copper, zinc, sodium, magnesium and iron.

Camel milk is rich in micronutrients like calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium.

Almond milk has calcium, magnesium and potassium. Some commercial almond milks have added nutrients to make it more like cow’s milk.

So, if you are looking for a natural, healthy milk that is a real milk without the ingredients that cause lactose intolerance and dairy allergies, try camel milk. It certainly seems to live up to the name superfood.

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The Beauty Benefits of Camel Milk

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The Natural Superior Nutrition of Camel Milk

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The Beauty Benefits of Camel Milk


Camelicious USA February 8 2021

One serving contains:
Calcium – 364 mg per serving
Vitamin C – one serving contains 6% of daily value, which would put it at about 3.6 mg
Vitamin D – 0.6 mcg per serving

Jesline February 8 2021

May I know how much calcium and Vit C & D in mg per serving?

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