Blood Sugar Benefits of Camel Milk on World Milk Day

1 June is World Milk Day. This day recognizes the importance of milk as a global food source providing nutrition to hundreds of millions of people.
Milk comes from many different sources and each source provides it own nutritional value.
One of the most nutritious milks is camel milk. Camels are unique animals and their milk offers some unique nutritional benefits.
Camel milk is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It also contains an insulin-like protein, a key element for human health.
Camel milk is a natural way to support normal blood sugar levels because it balances the glucose and insulin levels in blood.
The insulin-like proteins in camel milk do not coagulate in the stomach's acidic medium and can be used to address high blood sugar (1). In India, the risk of diabetes in those who drink camel milk regularly is substantially lower than in persons who do not drink camel milk. Camel milk helps people with high blood sugar improve their glycemic control and reduce insulin resistance (2). Camel milk has a significant amount of insulin (approximately 52 units per 1 litre of milk), and utilizing it may lower blood sugar levels and reduce the amount of insulin required.
How does camel milk help keep blood sugar in the normal range?
The main reason the insulin-like protein in camel milk can be beneficial to those trying to manage their blood sugar is because it can be absorbed from the intestines without being destroyed in the stomach. This is due to the presence of fat micelles in camel milk that cover the insulin and transport it to the circulatory system for use by the cells.
Camel milk also has some active substances influencing insulin-sensitive tissues, like pancreatic β cells and insulin receptors that increase insulin secretion (3).
In addition, recent studies have shown that consuming whey proteins or peptides from camel milk may improve wound healing in patients with high blood sugar. Whey proteins with antioxidant properties improve the proliferation of immune cells and wound healing (4).
In individuals with high blood sugar, camel milk has the potential to normalize renal and liver function, with alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels recovering 41 and 48 percent, respectively (5). Camel milk may improve the function of the liver and kidneys, and support better cardiovascular health. This is important as many people suffering from diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 will end up with health complications related to the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system (6).
Camel milk is called a superfood because of its superior nutrition and potential health benefits and what better day to try camel milk for yourself than World Milk Day! Camelicious camel milk powder is available here.
1. Kaskous, S., 2016. Importance of camel milk for human health. Emir. J. Fd. Agric., 28: 158-163.
2. Shori, A.B., 2015. Camel milk as a potential therapy for controlling diabetes and its complications: A review of in vivo studies. J. Fd. Drug. Anal., 23: 609–618.
3. Agrawal, R.P., Budania, S., Sharma, P., Gupta, R., Kochar, D.K., Panwar, R.B. and Sahani, M.S., 2007. Zero prevalence of diabetes in camel milk consuming raica community of NorthWest Rajasthan, India. Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract., 76: 290-296.
4. El-Sayed, M.K., Al-Shoeibi, Z.Y., El-Ghany, A.A.A. and Atef, Z.A., 2011. Effects of camels milk as a vehicle for insulin on glycaemic control and lipid profile in Type 1 diabetics. Am. J. Biochem. Biotechnol., 7: 179-189.
5. Hamad, E.M., Abdel-Rahim, E.A. and Romeih, E.A., 2011. Beneficial effect of camel milk on liver and kidneys function in diabetic sprague-dawley rats. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 6: 190-197.
6. Malik, A., Al-Senaidy, A., Skrzypczak-Jankun, E. and Jankun, J., 2012. A study of the anti-diabetic agents of camel milk. Int. J. Mol. Med., 30: 585-592.