Camel Milk and Gut Health

The human gut is a more complex health issue than most people think.
Scientists are just now discovering how important the gut really is. We are barely scratching the surface with research and studies, and we have already discovered fascinating links between gut health and weight control, thyroid function, mood, and cognition - just to name a few.
Additionally, researchers are exploring links between autism, diabetes, depression and gut health, along with many other diseases that may interplay with what’s going on in our gut.
A hundred million? Ten billion?
Try 100 trillion. That’s a number so large that it is hard to even comprehend. This enormous, complex ecosystem contains over 1,000 different species of bacteria.
The wide-ranging effects that our gut bacteria have on every aspect of our health are still being learned by researchers. Many scientists refer to the gut as the “second brain.” It is that important.
The answer is unhealthy gut bacteria:
- The types of bacteria present in our gut
- The populations of those bacteria
- The ratios between each bacterium
- The gut barrier, which allows nutrient absorption and keeps out unhealthy bacteria and toxins.
These variables are closely related, so if a person has issues with one, most likely they will have issues with the others as well.
Most people assume that “gut problems” must mean “digestive problems.” Sometimes, that is the case. But in reality, the problem is broader than that.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, claimed over 2,500 years ago that every illness begins in the gut. He stated, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Modern scientific research is proving that he was probably right. The connections between gut bacteria and other aspects of our health, physical, mental and emotional, are wider and deeper than anyone previously realized.
The evidence clearly indicates that, even if you do not have serious digestive problems, you could still have an unhealthy gut microbiome (the ecosystem of bacteria in the gut).
It is the gut barrier’s job to make sure nutrients are allowed in while passing the harmful bacteria and toxins through the body without harming you.
When the gut barrier becomes too permeable, it becomes “leaky gut syndrome”. Large protein molecules and toxins pass into the blood stream when they are not meant to. Your body recognizes that they don’t belong in the gut and attacks them, triggering an immune response.
Leaky Gut Syndrome leads to digestive nightmares such as bloating, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, and even more serious autoimmune problems. Additionally, several recent clinical studies identified that the function of the intestinal barrier is a major factor in autoimmune diseases.
We are all born with a leaky gut (literally an open, permeable gut lining). As we consume our mother’s nursing milk, which is rich in Colostrum and contains many growth factors and immune factors, they pass into the bloodstream and form our immune system and a healthy internal developing environment. Once this happens, the gut is meant to naturally close, allowing the bacteria to adhere to the gut lining, which is developing a healthy mucous thanks to the Colostrum, and forms our inner ecosystem (innate immune system) which is our first line of defense.
In the world today there are millions of people who are immuno-compromised. They lack the good bacteria needed to properly absorb nutrition from food and also keep out bad bacteria. They no longer have the ability to detoxify and maintain cleanliness of the blood. All the while, the undiagnosed, chronic lack of good bacteria and compromised gut health remains untreated.
It is now clear that our gut microbiota is a direct window into our overall health and numerous factors can negatively affect our gut microbiota, including diet, stress, antibiotics, and advancing age. When it is out of balance, the microbiotic environment plays a role in the development of Obesity, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Celiac Disease and many other conditions.
Healing the gut is something we all need to consider if we want to experience good health, so doesn’t it make sense that, as soon as we introduce into our body, a source of good bacteria and nutrients, such as Camel Milk, that we would experience improvement in our health?
Camel Milk has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal drink and has been clinically proven to improve bacterial imbalances. Some bacteria such as Allobaculum, Akkermansia & Bifidobacterium increase in abundance with Camel Milk. Additionally, it is full of necessary nutrition.
Camel Milk is called the “White Gold of the Desert” and is similar to human milk. It is virtually bio-identical to the Colostrum in human mother’s nursing milk. It is different from other ruminant (cow, sheep, deer, etc.) milk because it contains low cholesterol, low sugar, is high in minerals (potassium, iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), high in vitamin C and high in protective proteins like lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins and lysozyme.
Camel Milk is recognized as a superfood that contains over 120 strains of lactic acid bacteria and has peptides and proteins that exhibit biological activities that have a beneficial effect on many bio-processes such as digestion, absorption, growth and immunity.
Make Camel Milk an important part of your daily diet and enjoy the myriad of health benefits that will improve your gut health and positively impact your overall health.